One step back: why this project?

Textile and clothing industry in the European Union occupies a crucial position in the European manufacturing sector:

Industry Employees

According to the EU report on Growth – Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Fashion and Creative Industries (2015)

The sector in EU is based on SMALL BUSINESSES:

  • <50 Employees
  • 90% of the workforce
  • 60% Added value

Biggest EU Producers

The delocalization of textile production to low-cost countries leads to the disappearance of manufacturing in Europe

The textile and clothing industry in Europe is challenged by a drastic reduction due to relocation to countries outside the EU with cheaper labour costs, leading to the reduction of manufacturing in Europe and leaving a great deal of facilities as well as data and knowledge unexploited.


Improving Competitiviness

  • The related supply chains in the EU are still too weak when facing international competition due to low levels of communication and cooperation between the concerned actors
  • Lack of efficient tools for quick access to target consumers
  • Extremely long and badly organized Supply Chain
  • No consumers’ personalized requirements
  • No connections and interactions between all concerned parties


To overcome the above limitations