What kind of impacts we expect from this project?

1. Strengthening the competitiveness and growth of industrial partners:

  • Shortening the supply chain, encouraging local production networks.
  • Providing business solutions taking full advantage of the potential provided by the digitization of the garment design and of the product development contents for the EU textile industry.
  • Providing a full exploitation of the EU brand awareness strategies.

Resulting in significant economic growth (cumulative revenue of – at least – € 50 million within 5 years of project end – related to the industrial partners present in the consortium) and job creation (from 1500 industrial staff members currently to 1800 by 2022 – related to the industrial partners present in the consortium).

2. Increasing growth and competitiveness of the EU textile industry and the SMEs that operate within it:

  • Providing a technological platform able to increase flexibility and interactivity in supporting design, production and e-selling of high-quality fully customized fashion garments.
  • Providing a complete and efficient model of supply chain and tailor-made services to reach the market with a high-level customized tailor product, designed on the consumers’ needs and specifications.
  • Facilitating knowledge-sharing and innovation across the EU textile supply chains.

with (at least) 50 SMEs operatively using the platform by 2022 and (at least) 500,000 of garments designed, manufactured and sold via the platform in the first 5 years of commercialisation.

3. Encouraging EU trade:

  • Encouraging local (EU) aggregations to create new production networks.

Within the first 5 years of commercialisation the platform will generate (at least) € 80 million additional revenue of the EU textile industry.

4. Increasing private sector investment in EU research and innovation:

  • Implementing interactive and consumer-driven design and development approaches, that will create opportunities for employing high-skilled people, driving private investments, as well as research and innovation.

Within 1 years of project end project results will be used to leverage € 10 million of private sector investment to fund next steps and wide scale market launch.

5. Resource efficiency and waste reduction:

  • Reducing the environmental footprint of the actual globalized textile productions.

Saving of 80% of production logistic resources, related to move the materials along the supply chain.

Saving of 20% of materials wasted, due to the digitization of garment development and production.

Saving of 50% of resources, due to the optimized material stocks.